Adorable photos of Nigerian quintuplets named; Grace, Peace, Blessing, Goodness and Mercy, have taken over the internet. Some adorable...
The Surviving R. Kelly docu-series claims to be exposing the real story behind the R&B singer’s secret life of sexual abuse and mis...
After catching some slack for his investment in the University of Southern California, Dr. Dre has doubled back to take care of Compton...
Any parent will tell you that when their child graduates from college it’s up there as one of their proudest moments. When Carson Hu...
Jermaine Jackson, 63, is reportedly planning to marry his 23-year-old girlfriend, according to reports. The singer repo...
When Elmer Alvarez, an homeless man, found a $10,000 check on a street in New Haven, Connecticut, he contacted the owner, realtor Dr Ro...
As headlines about a polio-like virus, measles, and of course flu season continue to fill our news feeds, the debate around vaccination rag...
A BRIDE-TO-BE who was fat-shamed over her engagement pics has hit back in the most defiant way. Mzznaki Tetteh, a nurse from Ghana, recentl...
Police officers along with members of the community all came together to help Louis C. Hicks, a resident of Austin and a 92-Year-Old WW...
Are you fed up of the following: The non-stop honking of the horns and the blaring loudspeakers, the humming of the criss-cross metro t...